Monday, 4 December 2017

Pheasant from the ashes

I am back, like a pheonix from the flames, or as the title suggests,more like a pheasant, and definatly more ash than flame after all the months that have passed.

It has not been a good year regarding the blog, due to a lot of very difficult situations in real life, which as expected has meant the hobby has been practically ignored.

However, the cry went out for the annual painting challenge and despite having no interest initially i decided it may be what i need to bring back my enthusiasm.

This year i am aiming for 400 points again, i got close last year at around 350 points so i must beat my target this time.

I also have a few figures lined up for the point boosting theme rounds, something i had not considered last year.

I have also taken the step of undercoating and prepping a ridiculous amount of miniatures in different scales and genre's in case i hit painters block and fancy a change.

Not much else to add other than best of luck to all of my fellow competitors and to anyone else who like i did before signing up, have their own little challenge just for fun.

below is an image of one batch drying off ready for the challenge, i think i have done another 3 batches of figures since.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you back to posting; looking forward to the Challenge this year too. Most of the stuff I am painting is already primed.

    Cheers, Ross
