Sunday, 29 May 2016

More different

Got another 2 finished today, another member of the first troupe and the solitaire(eldar version of Rambo)


  1. Ah, a bit of nostalgia. Once upon a time, I had the boxed set of harlequin. But after undercoating I could never got around to painting them and sold them at a Claymore show. I now regret selling them. I'll be interested to see the whole lot finished.

    1. It was the first 'army' I ever had, that box alone was enough. I did paint them but it was the typical hasty early teen style painting! Very bright large blobs of colour.
      Luckily there are tons of ways to strip old lead.
      Nostalgia has got me back into this, I read the latest chaos daemons army book, it's back to random charts like the good days. Chaos vs harlequins, the two quirkiest forces in the game.
