Sunday, 28 June 2015

Dining table game matt

Well it's been quite some time since I've posted but I have managed the odd bit of gaming project.

I had read many blogs etc about latex covered cloth mats that can be placed over everyday objects to create realistic hills and rises.

So I had a rummage in the shed for suitable materials 

Some wall smooth from after doing up the kitchen, some artist paint and an old jug.
And of course and old dust sheet pinned down.

Then I mixed some paint and smooth over roughly 50/50 and spread it over with a rubber squeegee blade.

A couple of days later it had dried

So I trimmed it to a more relevant size and spread it with wood glue, and started to flock

Had to do in 2 stages due to lack of flock but after this I just sprayed the whole thing with a can of varnish then hoovered up excess flock.
And here it is with a couple of rolled up towels under it

Not bad but the flock still sheds a little 

Cheers for looking and keep rolling 6's 

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