It's all very nice, but I can't help thinking, why did I back this, I have too much to paint already!
Joking aside it's very good and I will put up new posts as I go through it.
Half of the order is still being made but most of the miniatures and the rules are here.
It's all for All quiet on the Martian front. I liked the look of it so thought why not. I am just glad that it arrived. I also backed a KS for sails of glory, however it got hijacked by customs, who never told me, then when they did there website went down, so I could not pay the £25 charge.
After frantic emailing etc, it got lost, and now we think it's been returned to the states. This means I am out of pocket to the tune £120. Therefore, never again will I back an overseas based KS.
At least this one turned out ok.